dijous, 28 d’octubre del 2010


In There's More Than One of Everything, he escorts Walter to the old Bishop beach house and prompts him to find the device that is needed to plug the opening between parallel universes. He also accompanies Walter to an old graveyard.


In The Road Not Taken, he arrives to collect Walter from the Lab, speaking for the first time since The Arrival.

dimecres, 27 d’octubre del 2010


In Midnight, he passes behind Bob Dunn in The Cavern, just after the ladies man arrives and is poised to begin introducing himself.


In Bad Dreams, he crosses the street as Olivia and Peter arrive at the scene where Nick Lane is threatening to commit suicide by jumping from a building roof.


In Unleashed, he walks behind an on-air TV news reporter as she tells of the recent animal attacks. Charlie's wife is watching.

dilluns, 18 d’octubre del 2010


In Inner Child, he is seen walking along a snowy sidewalk, as The Child is driven away in the opposite direction.


In Ability, he is seen ducking out of the way of the news vendor's grasp as the vendor stumbles down the street.

dissabte, 16 d’octubre del 2010


In Safe, he is seen on the bank's security monitor.


In The Dreamscape, he is seen behind Mark Young in the hallway after exiting the elevator.


In The Equation, he is seen while Olivia and Charlie are searching for Ben Stockton.


In In Which We Meet Mr. Jones, he is seen at Frankfurt International walking away from the arrival gate.


In The Cure, he passes behind David Esterbrook and Olivia at the humanitarian fund-raiser.


In Power Hungry, he exits the doomed elevator seconds before it crashes.


In The Arrival, he has a lead role throughout the episode.


In The Ghost Network, Olivia passes by him at the South Station rail terminal.


In The Same Old Story, he stands at the hospital desk where the rapid-aging "man-baby" lies dead.


In Pilot, he walks past the Massive Dynamic building.

The Observer - Fringe

Aquest blog està dedicat al personatge "L'observador" de Fringe, protagonitzat per Michael Cerveris. Aquí podreu veure totes les imatges de les aparicions, capítol per capítol.

This blog is dedicated to the "Observer" of Fringe, played by Michael Cerveris. Here you can see all the images of the appearances, episode by episode.